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The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.
PhD Candidate:
Junkai Wen, PolyU, HK, 2023-2024 (Chief supervisor); 2024-Pre (External-supervisor)
Xiaomei Tang, PolyU, HK, 2023-Pre (Co-supervisor)
Postdoctoral Fellow:
LItao Dai, PolyU, HK, 2023-Pre (Co-supervisor)
Research Associate:
Danish Khan, PolyU, HK, 2023 (Chief supervisor)
Research Assistant:
Zhen Xie, PolyU, HK, 2022-2023 (Chief supervisor)
Xiaotian Xie, PolyU, HK, 2023 (Chief supervisor)
Zhenyu Shang, PolyU, HK, 2023-Pre (Chief supervisor)

I am actively looking for excellent candidates as Postgraduates, PhD students, and Visiting PhD students at the University of Aberdeen, UK. Please get in touch with me via email if you have any interest in our research area.


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